Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Age Old Battle

Twilight. Today the word and creation that has shamed Generation Y, us. But is it really a shame? Or is it just useless hate that started off small, but spread uncontrollably?

If I recall correctly, before the movie came out those who didn’t read the series were shamed because it was thought to be second to the Bible (mind my blasphemy), and in order for most people to fit in they forced themselves to sit and read through three books about a girl who falls in love with a shiny, sparkly vampire and there they go through many teenage dilemmas including her unbelievable power to arouse other males and become vampire chow.

Twelve months before the movie came out the hype and tension created by the books was just unbelievable. It was even deemed a sensation. And every minute of every day, that tension seemed to rise just a notch higher. Disappointingly however once the movie did come out, it was just utterly and horridly.. well disappointing. Never had I watched a movie so terribly composed. Sure I have no talent in the creative arts department, but I’m sure the directing and acting could’ve been done a bit better. It didn’t do the books any justice.

So now I’m just thinking, are people only hating Twilight because of the movie? Because I can honestly admit that yes, Bella does continuously rave on about how much she loves and misses Edward and it’s annoying but it was a good read, mainly because it gave the readers an opportunity to escape to a fantasy of their own ideal Edward (Quote Bronwyn), and that image was only shattered by the way media chose to portray those characters (Kind of like how they ruined the Harry Potter series as a whole). But nonetheless a good read.

I’m not a huge fan of the movies, I do get hyped when they come out and must see them, but it honestly does not do the series any justice. The Harry Potter books = PURE AWESOMENESS that you can read 20+ times and still not get bored. :) So to whoever out there that hates Harry Potter, seriously you can not hate something this great in literature!

Monday, August 2, 2010


It has the potential to creep up at the most unwanted times. Or just whenever possible. I’ve been jealous before, I’m human. I mean who hasn’t been? It taints the once stainless soul, and can potentially ruin them.

There may be many reasons for one’s jealousy, love, lust, money, etc… But mine is simplicity. I’m jealous how a person can express themselves so beautifully yet so simply, whereas I struggle to make sense of what I try to express. I’m jealous of how a person’s life can be so simple, where mine is entangled with so much lies.

My jealousy is, of course, my fault. I care too much. I care how people may judge me. I care how people percieve me. I don’t want to be this person. I don’t want to hide behind a facade to please everyone. Yet how can I break free of the comfort of my facade?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

You Can Run All You Like.

Ever had that moment where no matter how much good you do and restraint you show, people just don't believe you? Yeah karma's a bitch like that. Ever since last December I promised myself.. no more boys. And I've kept good with that promise. Yet, if you don't burn and bury your evidence well enough, well let's just say there are people that are looking for them. Even if they didn't know what they were looking for.

That's just how life likes to fuck with you.

Parents and I were on a roll for months now, and this stupid piece of my past pops up and everything goes down the drain. I was this close. This close... And I had been a "good girl" too. Well I haven't jigged this whole year... yet.

Just fuck my life. I can't even look at my dad anymore. And my mum? God, it's just awkward being in her presence. I'm a slut to them, that's what I'll be for the rest of my life. No amount of academic achievement or money can redeem me from that. To top it off what they saw doesn't even fall under the "wow-holy-shit" factor. I hate having traditional parents.

Guess you can't really run from your past aye? The truth will reveal itself no matter what.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

- Mark Twain

Friday, July 30, 2010

God I love my sister. <3

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.- Langston Hughes

I love the rain. I love it’s every little drop. I love the soft pitter-patter against my window. I love the fogged up glasses where I can write silly notes to myself. I love cosying up in bed with a good book and have the rain pouring outside. Oh rain you bring me much joy.

Like joy, it feels like I’m starting to get a grip of myself once more. I still hate school, but I’m not half as sulky as I was at the beginning of the year. I feel refreshed; renewed almost. Lately I’ve been spending time reconnecting with my inner bookworm and have, horray, taken up reading once more. It eludes me why I stopped in the beginning. Currently I’m reading Gabrielle Zevin’s “Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac”. I have to admit, while not the best read it is quiet captivating, it keeps me coming back for more. The characters are a bit cliche and so is the setting, but eh. I hear that Japan is releasing a movie for this book, which is set to release on September 10th this year. (Bet you’re proud of me Anvi, since I remembered).

Today was a good day. It was fun. It was light. Though Cat wanted me to jig, and I kinda wanted to, I didn’t. And I’m proud of myself for not falling back into my old habits. Though I wouldn’t mind a day off here and there. Considering it was raining today sport was cancelled so we had to spend the day at school doing, basically, nothing. Considering we’d be doing random stuff we took the opportunity to play Hearts, and I admit it was AWESOME and FUN! I won! Hehe. I not only won the glory, but I won a orange lolly and a keychain! WOOT!

Some notable quotes of the day:

  • “Paul Sir McCartney” - Andrea
  • “You don’t trout.. I mean you don’t my custing… I mean you don’t trust my counting.” - Anna aka Bunny

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dum Spiro, Spero.

While I breathe, I hope.

Family. Friends. Love. The three core ingredients to a happy life. The amount of each can differ according to the needs of the individual.

I’ve noticed something quiet recently, and further confirmed it while talking to Andrea. I realised there’s a hole in my life. A gigantic hole. The hole that I can’t seem to mend just yet. This hole was created from the moment I stepped into Australia 11 years ago. I miss my country. I miss the life I may have had there. But beyond all of it, I miss my relatives. I never got to see my cousins grow up. Never had the chance to create memories that I could one day, perhaps, recount to my children, much like my parents do to us. I hate there’s that big gap between us. I hate it so much. My cousin, who’s 15, can’t even talk to me properly because he’s too shy, and even when we do, we run out of things to say. It’s always “Hey! How are you?”, “How’s your studies?”, etc. I want there to be more to talk about. Like the funny things he does, or the stupid things he gets up to. I want this with all my cousins.

I feel lonely when my mum recounts her childhood. It’s like looking through a glass mirror, I see what I want, not what I have. What I want is what my mum and dad had. And it’s sad that my brother and sister couldn’t care less. Sure my brother was only 2 when we moved here, and my sister was born and raised here but you’d expect them to have some sort of desire fore that close familial connection.

*sigh* I almost got to see my, then, baby cousin in 2006 because my parents my and aunt’s family planned a trip to meet up together at our country. But then my dad had a stroke which pushed us back quiet substantially, ending in me never meeting my cousin. Now he has a sister who is almost 2. How time flies. Not just that but I feel left out that everyone is moving to a place where they are much closer to each other and I’m stuck halfway across the world. Not that I hate Australia or anything, but I just want that closeness with my cousins and my family.

I know my parents want to give me a better future here, but I want the other half of the glass to be full to. *sigh*

Aish. It looks like I’m rambling. All I want is a tight-knit family, like the one of the cute polar bears, but I know those are hard to come across.


Wow I was such a colourful person only a few months back. It's shocking really. Just went through all of my posts and changed the colour. Grr, such tedious work.

Oh well back to real work now:
  • Studies of Religion summary + note-making
  • Society and Culture Research
  • Maths Circle Geom.
  • Maths Tutor
Eww so much work. TT"

4 Months, 18 Days

It has been exactly 4 months and 18 days since I last posted here. I've been a bit caught up with my Tumblr account, so didn't exactly have the "time" to post here. Also year 11 has been pretty hectik. It's crazy really. One more term until Year 12...SHIT! I am so effing screwed. I know this is a sign that I should get off my ass and start studying, but honestly I have no motivation to do so. Aww now I'm never gonna get 97+ ATAR for my course. FML.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Anniversary to SuperSann & SillySachi

To be honest you two it feels like it has been wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy longer than a year. You two act like the two most cutest, most dramatic, most face-eating married couple I've ever seen. :) You guys really deserve each other. Hope the future holds more happiness for you two. :)

ps. Sachi & Sann Thanks heaps for letting me eat some of that delectable anniversary cake :D YUMMY! XD

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Alicia!!!

Today is my friend, Alicia's, birthday! Happy Birthday hun!! :) Use your legal powers wisely ;) hehe. Love you. xx

Mental health is NOT a joke.

Yesterday night my brother, my uncle, a guest who we're paying host to and I were watching Bruce Willis' move Mercury Rising. The plot of the story revolves around an undercover NSA agent Art Jeffries trying to protect an autistic boy Simon Lynch, as he has deciphered the most powerful coding called Mercury. The movie is amazing, Miko Hughes' portrayal of the austisic was just amazing.

Anyways I'm getting off topic. Around halfway through the movie our guest says, "Wow that kid has some serious mental problems." and smirked. Umm excuse me but could you be more arrogant?! Words couldn't explain just how appalled and pissed off that statement made me! I hate how there is such a negative stigma connected to mental health. Grrr! Some people should seriously be educated about this. It's not enough to just know they exist. Stupid international teaching standards. >>" It's not all bad, just I believe that everyone around the world should actually learn about these things, rather then completely focusing on academics. It should be something that is accepted not tolerated. There's a difference.

"Good manners will often take people where neither money nor education can take them."

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Little Too Fast

Well the 6th week has already ended, and to be honest it still feels like I only got back from holidays. It's like the scene from the movie Baraka, where the old Shinto priest is taking one step at a time slowly, while all the people around are going about their daily lives and in contrast it seems as though the background is in fast forward. This is honestly what it feels like.

A downside to this fast moving time is the fact that I don't have any time to figure myself out. None at all. It's always homework homework homework and stress about assessments. I just want it all to just stop and wish time would just stand still for once. Just one minute to sit back and relax. *sigh*

Recent happenings include: My computer crashing (goodbye my beloved data and memories), My wallet being stolen (goodbye memories and ID cards T___T) and my parents not trusting me again and being a bitch to me for some odd reason, like WTF I didn't do anything this time but fucking STUDY!

Well I have my birthday to look forward to in about 4 days. Yipee! :)

"I try to make myself believe, that planet Earth turns, slowly..."
- Fireflies by Owl City

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well I haven't posted to this blog in a little over 3 weeks. Wow, time sure does fly, but I'm not enjoying myself. Not one bit. Everyday of the past 3 weeks have gone in a blur, as if my life's been fast forwarded not stopping one moment for relaxation. Why? Hmm...let's see, because of stupid year 11. As I have progressed into senior year my homework and assignments seems to come ten times faster than in the junior years. It's so difficult to keep up anymore. T______T I spent my whole Valentine's day doing Biology assignment. Even though I may not have had anything special on Valentine's day I still want to relax without having to worry about how much work is going to build up.

That's not my only problem these days. I also have a problem with my emotions. They've been going up and down like I have bi-polar or something. And I'm still trying to deal with my ex. Ha! You know what I've realised? Us being broken up isn't really different to when we were dating. Why..? Because he doesn't make the attempt of actually trying to communicate with me, just like our dating days. I recall that when we did end things, he said "We can still remain friends." Friends..? Really..? I guess that was something you just said to get my hopes up that I'll still stay in touch with you. Don't get me wrong I'm not asking that he talks to me 24/7 but the occasional "Hello" and "How are you?" but I don't even get that. I've attempted to hold a conversation with him a few times, but my attempts were futile. They didn't last past "I'm" =="

It's not just this but I am SO CONFUSED. Like ... grrr .. I don't know how to explain this. I don't even feel the butterflies anymore, not for anyone...Why did I have to love him? T___T

"Do I still have the butterflies you once gave me, or did they die with my ability to love?"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Great Scot!

After last night's match against world number 1 Roger Federer, Andy Murray lost the Australian Opens finals. The three set match was a very tight one, however Federer claimed victory in the end. First set was claimed easily by Federer along with the second, though Murray held a strong fight in the second. The third set was the nail-biter. Murray came back with a 5-3 lead until Federer also stepped up his game and took the set to a tie-breaker. It was here that Federer claimed his victory and redeemed himself from last year's failure. I was happy to see Federer win, however it saddens me that Britain hasn't won a single grandslam since 1936 and had their hopes crushed as Murray lost this match. Better luck next time I guess. :/

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tennis Update

I watched the match between Andy Murray and Rafael Nadal like any devoted fan and jumped for joy when Murray claimed victory. The dissapointing thing about the match is that Rafa had to forfeit the match because of a knee injury. I was really expecting 5 Set battle. :( Even though Rafa retired I have no doubts that Murray would've won the match anyways! :D

After defeating Rafa in the quater finals, Murray went on to defeat Marin Čilić of Croatia in a 3 set win to 1 set. Therefore Murray is now through to the finals.

Roger Federer versed the much loved frenchman Jo Wilfred Tsonga in straight sets and is through to the final.

This means the match that I have anticipated since the beginning of this year's Tennis season is actually happening! YES!!!! It's like an early Christmas present... kind of.

Well Roger Federer will be versing Andy Murray in a few minutes so I'm off.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

And the pressure begins...

Well today was my first day back at school and as daunting as it was I am officially in year 11. First thing back the deputy principle threatens the grade by saying "You have to take part of a BOS course next Monday that is compulsory and if you fail you will be shifted to tafe or to the workforce." Thanks sir. We really needed that to "calm" our already stressed out nerves. =="

On my way to roll call however I had the opportunity to help a lost year 7 child. I gotta say I am very proud of that moment as I have already started to fulfil my peer-support leadership role. It felt good to help someone else. :) It's the only way I guess I can repay the help I got when on my first day in year 7.

There was one downside to the day however. It seemed that all the closeness that all the classes shared throughout the past 4 years of our junior years hase been washed away as we are all divided by our different courses and not to mention the seperate classes each course has, therefore I'm barely in any of my friends classes. A few I share with them but not all. *sigh* Here begins a very boring adventure for my HSC. Great.

Not to mention I turned out to be the only girl in my Physics class T____T....until... JO ARRIVED!!!! :D YAY! hehe.

Apart then this we all had fun enjoying André's birthday, which I collaborated with Cecilia's because she couldn't celebrate hers...LONG STORY. Overall it was fun. :) Though had to remind a few people to do their part. :P The cake was YUMMY. Like hummana hummana hummana..*drools*

Well that's all I can really recap about school, other than this everything was normal/boring.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Boredom and Tennis Fever!

Well school begins in a mere three days. AHHHHH!!! And I haven't even organised my books yet. Ok so that's not the biggest problem. My main worry is the pressure that I'll be facing for the next two years. I'm in Year 11 now. Wow. I feel so old. With my sixteenth birthday coming up and facing the end of high school education in another year, it's really very daunting. I made a promise to myself to study properly this year, but knowing myself I don't know how long I will actually keep to my promise. Well apart form that looking forward to seeing my friends again after six weeks of complete and utter boredom, and get up to some mischief. [;

Apart from school I've started a new blog for a story idea that I had, but at the moment it's still in production and I'm contemplating on how to write it. Not to mention I have to find the time to do so while also tackling school work. Well I'll survive... somehow.

Well I guess I should start enjoying Australia Day (or I'll be too "unaustralian"), even though there's nothing to do except watch tennis and muck around at home. *sigh* So bored! I can't wait till tonight's tennis match where Andy Murray will play against world #2 Rafael Nadal.


Though one match I have been anticipating and wanting to happen since the beginning of this year's Australian Open is a match between Roger Federer and Andy Murray. I really hope it happens. *fingers crossed*

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Goodbye Literature

Ok anti-Twilight fanatics get ready to say goodbye to literature as Twilight now expands its reign on the bookshelves as it claims territory over some of the finest works of literature, Wuthering Heightes written by Emily Brönte. The book was developed and targeted mainly for the "Twilight" generation.

I have read the book in it's original text and glory, not the cheap one made to campaign Twilight's ever growing popularity (when will it STOP?!), and have to say that it is one the most beautiful pieces of literature I have ever read. I could NOT put the book down! It was just...amazing and so beautifully written.

It saddens me to know that our generation will be remembered as the ones that fell in love with shiny vampires. And now added to the crimes the generation that stole literature. =="

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I try to smile but I can't remember how

Here we are pretending we're ok
(You can say what you want but you still can't fool me)
The life we're living It's all masquerade
(I try to smile but I can't remember how)
So how did we get so jaded Is it so complicated
To not give up to me?

So here I am again sulking about the past. I don't understand when I believe that I've put all of that in my past and am moving it just comes back and hits me real hard. It catches me off guard and it's as if there will be no tomorrow, no happiness left in the world. That's right, I have finally been broken.

I've been listening to Keep Holding On by Simple Plan on replay. And that verse just perfectly describes me right now. Why does it have to be like this? Over and over again I question why it had to turn out like this.

I just can't take it anymore.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dreams & Nightmares: Take Two

I don't know if it's just me but within a night I happen to experience and have several dreams/nightmares. Now is that whack or what? And not only that but when I have a nice dream it always ends up turning into a nightmare. O_O WHY?! It's said that a dream is a wish your heart makes, however I don't want to have an unhappy ending. T_T" Or am I dwelling into my future? :P I wish.

Well today's dream happened to be about...Well honestly I don't remember most of it. I just remember the feeling of security and love that I felt dreaming it. Something I haven't been able to feel in a long time. I recall the dream to be about something to do with camping out in the bush with a really close friend of mine. We ended up getting lost (surprise surprise) and meeting two other campers who also are lost. So we decided to team up and try and find a way out of the bush area.

Now think of those Hollywood movies where girl gets lost and finds boy and after spending only a small amount of time together something happens and they fall in love with each other. Well that's basically what my dream was like. Only after a few days camping out with the guys and searching for a way out to the real world, I (in the dream) ended up falling in love with one of the guys.

Yes we only spent a small time with each other, but what was the something that truly drew out our emotions? Well folks that was me being targeted by some Amazonian women, who wanted to make me one of their virgin sacrifices or else they'll set their hornet's on me. O_____________________O WTF?!

Well they ended up sending the hornets after me... and my friends. Oh and they managed to capture me too but my knight in shining armour saved me! ^__^ YAY! :)

Sure the dream was all cliché and sounded like something out of some random Hollywood movie, but you know what? It was this dream that kind of gave me hope that even after everything that has happened recently, that maybe, MAYBE, there will be some happiness waiting for me in the near future. That perhaps there is someone out there for me. Because aren't clichés what keep us going? Aren't clichés what defines our lives? If you think about it the only reason we laugh or resent clichés is because it IS reality and it can happen (well minus the crazy Amazonian women and the hornets part :P).

Well this dream has left me in a better mood than I have felt in a while.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Cecilia!

I just want to shout out a birthday message for a very special friend of mine Cecilia! Happy Birthday dearest! :) I love you loads, much more than that fishy! Can't wait to glomp you and show you some lovin' at school. [; hehe.

One Litre Of Tears

They say that time flies when you’re having fun. However, apparently, the same principle applies when your life is turned upside down for the worse and you are heartbroken. Where was my happiness? Where was the fun?

Well a month has already flown past. All the memories of this month are vague yet crystal clear, some moments jumping back into my memory like a lion jumping at its prey. It’s all quiet sudden and, like the poor, helpless zebra the lion stalks, it catches me off guard. It breaks my composed exterior that has taken me so long to build, shattering it into a million pieces. This truly shows just how weak I truly am. I believed myself to be much stronger and unbreakable, even by the harshest of insults. But this, this one experience in my life, leaves me choking for breath and surrounded by a flood of tears and tissues. I may be able to hide my emotions from those close to me and keep a composed exterior, however when I am alone, my barrier shatters without will.

My friends ask, “You ok?”
I reply with a fake smile plastered to my face and a jovial voice, “Of course! Don’t worry, I’ll Be Fine.”

Though my interior, my soul, is screaming to be set free of such pain. It feels as though I am wearing a mask. I do not know why I don’t surrender to the comfort my friends try to give me. I just don’t want to burden them with my problems, when they clearly have some of their own to tackle, not to mention they’re more worrisome then any that I have. I guess my pride is larger than I had ever anticipated.

But I’m not fine. No matter how many times I pick myself up, there is always something that’ll bring me down again.

I cannot wait til school begins again, as then I will be able to find a safe haven amongst my peers and have something to distract me than this damned holidays.

It was all my fault. My stupidity caused it and all that I am left with are the memories I shared with you. You’re a part of my life that I have to erase, no matter how much it hurts.

I'm Sorry.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dreams & Nightmares

Today I had the weirdest nightmare. Seriously... It all started a few days ago.

A few days ago I have been having this problem sleeping, where no matter how tired i feel i just won't fall asleep. And once I do it's difficult for me to distinguish whatever's happening to me is actually a dream or reality. This brings us to today. Today I experienced the same problem. I don't I fell asleep until around 2 or 3am.

The dream began with me and my parents at the dinnertable talking. Then something happened and I started to give them, especially my mum oO, attitude. It then fast forwarded to me getting married and bringing the groom home, except I was still my age, and frightened to death because it was just so sudden. The groom turned out to be some old 30 year old (*shivers*) who is missing a hand. O_O While my "groom" was sleeping I went on facebook and updated my status to "OMG GUYS IM LITERALLY MARRIED NOW!!! T___T" (shows you how much I'm addicted to facebook). ==" Just as I update it, my "groom" wakes up and has a murderous expression upon his face...

.... This is when I woke up! (Thank GOD!)

So yes i woke up panting and scared (normal after any nightmare) and seriously thought it had happened until I realised it was just a nightmare. But let me explain something. In my culture the parents have the right to arrange the marriage for their children and marry them to whomever they desire without the consent of the child, even if they are a legal adult. This means jackshit to them. They don't care if you're 18 or 81, they still have rights over you till either they're dead or... wait there is no or.

This nightmare made me realise just how much I loathe arranged marriages, my culture's traditions and how I don't think I will ever have freedom. ): I guess the only time people in my culture (the oldies) acutally see us as adults is when we are married, have a job and have three kids. Nothing more, nothing less.

This brings me to my dream. (It surprised me actually)

The dream (the happy one after the horrific one) was about me visiting America, I think actually moving there, and my parents giving me the freedom I desire so much. Not to mention they were NICE! :O hehe. Nah, they're alright. They just need to get with the times. Be hip. [; Wait that's bad.. my mum tried that and started to sing and dance to Sexy Bitch by Akon ft. David Guetta. *shudders at memory*

I guess parents just need to let go of responsibility sometimes and let loose. Put themselves in their children's shoes, remember what it was like being a child (wait that won't help much...all I ever hear about is how they were always obedient childrent... PFFFFFFFT YEAH RIGHT!) and understand that traditions change.

Well I guess I should get back to doing my 48 pages of tutor homework. =="

Au Revoir! (:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Eensy Weensy Spider..

...Went up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed pour Eensy down.
Up came the sun and dried up all the rain.
So Eensy Weensy spider went up the spout again...♪♫

Well I woke up to a bright sunny morning, not to mention it was also sweltering hot. Yes even at 8am in the morning it is possible to experience boiling temperatures. Seriously what is wrong with this world? Not only this, but now at exactly 7.10pm it is pouring with rain and temperatures have drastically dropped from what it was a mere hour ago. Weird huh?

Wait why am I blabbering on about the weather? oO

I sometimes don't know what comes over me. Oh well at least this weather creates the perfect scene to snuggle up in bed tonight with a good hearty read. Can't wait! :)


Dance to the Beat of Jazz

Is it just me or is Michael Bublé one sexy singer? Honestly! I've been listening to his songs on replay and can't help but say that I have fallen head over heels for him. His voice and the lyrics... *daydreams* DAMN reality!

I especially love these lyrics from his song Sway:

"...Thrill me more
As only you know how
Sway me smooth
Sway me now..."

I just melted listening to those lyrics. Another really good song would definitely be Haven't Met You Yet. Its catchy tune and lyrics is enough to make you start dancing. I know I have. :D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Well let me introduce myself.

Name: Nabzilla
Age: 15
Location: Earth
Sex: Well.. [;
Status: Single to Mingle
Occupation: Student (:

Ok so I didn't introduce myself so much, but with the internet we just have to be a bit cautious. Who knows who is reading our blogs.

Well since I'm bored and have nothing to really recount, toodle-loo for now. [;

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Beginning

My first post... YAY!

This was originally called the Pursuit of Happyness, but then I realised it was too deep, and considering I'm not that deep as a person I decided to call it My Secret Wonderland. Why? Because it quiet literally is my secret wonderland. Somewhere I escape to when I'm bored or what not.

Here I'll be posting, well, just about anything really, recording all my weird and wacky moments. So it's basically like my own online diary. :) (Haven't had one of those in ages!!)

Well anyways I don't have much else to say. Cheeri-oh! [;

ps. I might also add that I have a knack of saying different phrases in various languages/style.
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