Saturday, July 31, 2010

You Can Run All You Like.

Ever had that moment where no matter how much good you do and restraint you show, people just don't believe you? Yeah karma's a bitch like that. Ever since last December I promised myself.. no more boys. And I've kept good with that promise. Yet, if you don't burn and bury your evidence well enough, well let's just say there are people that are looking for them. Even if they didn't know what they were looking for.

That's just how life likes to fuck with you.

Parents and I were on a roll for months now, and this stupid piece of my past pops up and everything goes down the drain. I was this close. This close... And I had been a "good girl" too. Well I haven't jigged this whole year... yet.

Just fuck my life. I can't even look at my dad anymore. And my mum? God, it's just awkward being in her presence. I'm a slut to them, that's what I'll be for the rest of my life. No amount of academic achievement or money can redeem me from that. To top it off what they saw doesn't even fall under the "wow-holy-shit" factor. I hate having traditional parents.

Guess you can't really run from your past aye? The truth will reveal itself no matter what.

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.”

- Mark Twain

Friday, July 30, 2010

God I love my sister. <3

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.- Langston Hughes

I love the rain. I love it’s every little drop. I love the soft pitter-patter against my window. I love the fogged up glasses where I can write silly notes to myself. I love cosying up in bed with a good book and have the rain pouring outside. Oh rain you bring me much joy.

Like joy, it feels like I’m starting to get a grip of myself once more. I still hate school, but I’m not half as sulky as I was at the beginning of the year. I feel refreshed; renewed almost. Lately I’ve been spending time reconnecting with my inner bookworm and have, horray, taken up reading once more. It eludes me why I stopped in the beginning. Currently I’m reading Gabrielle Zevin’s “Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac”. I have to admit, while not the best read it is quiet captivating, it keeps me coming back for more. The characters are a bit cliche and so is the setting, but eh. I hear that Japan is releasing a movie for this book, which is set to release on September 10th this year. (Bet you’re proud of me Anvi, since I remembered).

Today was a good day. It was fun. It was light. Though Cat wanted me to jig, and I kinda wanted to, I didn’t. And I’m proud of myself for not falling back into my old habits. Though I wouldn’t mind a day off here and there. Considering it was raining today sport was cancelled so we had to spend the day at school doing, basically, nothing. Considering we’d be doing random stuff we took the opportunity to play Hearts, and I admit it was AWESOME and FUN! I won! Hehe. I not only won the glory, but I won a orange lolly and a keychain! WOOT!

Some notable quotes of the day:

  • “Paul Sir McCartney” - Andrea
  • “You don’t trout.. I mean you don’t my custing… I mean you don’t trust my counting.” - Anna aka Bunny

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dum Spiro, Spero.

While I breathe, I hope.

Family. Friends. Love. The three core ingredients to a happy life. The amount of each can differ according to the needs of the individual.

I’ve noticed something quiet recently, and further confirmed it while talking to Andrea. I realised there’s a hole in my life. A gigantic hole. The hole that I can’t seem to mend just yet. This hole was created from the moment I stepped into Australia 11 years ago. I miss my country. I miss the life I may have had there. But beyond all of it, I miss my relatives. I never got to see my cousins grow up. Never had the chance to create memories that I could one day, perhaps, recount to my children, much like my parents do to us. I hate there’s that big gap between us. I hate it so much. My cousin, who’s 15, can’t even talk to me properly because he’s too shy, and even when we do, we run out of things to say. It’s always “Hey! How are you?”, “How’s your studies?”, etc. I want there to be more to talk about. Like the funny things he does, or the stupid things he gets up to. I want this with all my cousins.

I feel lonely when my mum recounts her childhood. It’s like looking through a glass mirror, I see what I want, not what I have. What I want is what my mum and dad had. And it’s sad that my brother and sister couldn’t care less. Sure my brother was only 2 when we moved here, and my sister was born and raised here but you’d expect them to have some sort of desire fore that close familial connection.

*sigh* I almost got to see my, then, baby cousin in 2006 because my parents my and aunt’s family planned a trip to meet up together at our country. But then my dad had a stroke which pushed us back quiet substantially, ending in me never meeting my cousin. Now he has a sister who is almost 2. How time flies. Not just that but I feel left out that everyone is moving to a place where they are much closer to each other and I’m stuck halfway across the world. Not that I hate Australia or anything, but I just want that closeness with my cousins and my family.

I know my parents want to give me a better future here, but I want the other half of the glass to be full to. *sigh*

Aish. It looks like I’m rambling. All I want is a tight-knit family, like the one of the cute polar bears, but I know those are hard to come across.


Wow I was such a colourful person only a few months back. It's shocking really. Just went through all of my posts and changed the colour. Grr, such tedious work.

Oh well back to real work now:
  • Studies of Religion summary + note-making
  • Society and Culture Research
  • Maths Circle Geom.
  • Maths Tutor
Eww so much work. TT"

4 Months, 18 Days

It has been exactly 4 months and 18 days since I last posted here. I've been a bit caught up with my Tumblr account, so didn't exactly have the "time" to post here. Also year 11 has been pretty hectik. It's crazy really. One more term until Year 12...SHIT! I am so effing screwed. I know this is a sign that I should get off my ass and start studying, but honestly I have no motivation to do so. Aww now I'm never gonna get 97+ ATAR for my course. FML.
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