If I recall correctly, before the movie came out those who didn’t read the series were shamed because it was thought to be second to the Bible (mind my blasphemy), and in order for most people to fit in they forced themselves to sit and read through three books about a girl who falls in love with a shiny, sparkly vampire and there they go through many teenage dilemmas including her unbelievable power to arouse other males and become vampire chow.
Twelve months before the movie came out the hype and tension created by the books was just unbelievable. It was even deemed a sensation. And every minute of every day, that tension seemed to rise just a notch higher. Disappointingly however once the movie did come out, it was just utterly and horridly.. well disappointing. Never had I watched a movie so terribly composed. Sure I have no talent in the creative arts department, but I’m sure the directing and acting could’ve been done a bit better. It didn’t do the books any justice.
So now I’m just thinking, are people only hating Twilight because of the movie? Because I can honestly admit that yes, Bella does continuously rave on about how much she loves and misses Edward and it’s annoying but it was a good read, mainly because it gave the readers an opportunity to escape to a fantasy of their own ideal Edward (Quote Bronwyn), and that image was only shattered by the way media chose to portray those characters (Kind of like how they ruined the Harry Potter series as a whole). But nonetheless a good read.
I’m not a huge fan of the movies, I do get hyped when they come out and must see them, but it honestly does not do the series any justice. The Harry Potter books = PURE AWESOMENESS that you can read 20+ times and still not get bored. :) So to whoever out there that hates Harry Potter, seriously you can not hate something this great in literature!