Saturday, January 30, 2010

And the pressure begins...

Well today was my first day back at school and as daunting as it was I am officially in year 11. First thing back the deputy principle threatens the grade by saying "You have to take part of a BOS course next Monday that is compulsory and if you fail you will be shifted to tafe or to the workforce." Thanks sir. We really needed that to "calm" our already stressed out nerves. =="

On my way to roll call however I had the opportunity to help a lost year 7 child. I gotta say I am very proud of that moment as I have already started to fulfil my peer-support leadership role. It felt good to help someone else. :) It's the only way I guess I can repay the help I got when on my first day in year 7.

There was one downside to the day however. It seemed that all the closeness that all the classes shared throughout the past 4 years of our junior years hase been washed away as we are all divided by our different courses and not to mention the seperate classes each course has, therefore I'm barely in any of my friends classes. A few I share with them but not all. *sigh* Here begins a very boring adventure for my HSC. Great.

Not to mention I turned out to be the only girl in my Physics class T____T....until... JO ARRIVED!!!! :D YAY! hehe.

Apart then this we all had fun enjoying André's birthday, which I collaborated with Cecilia's because she couldn't celebrate hers...LONG STORY. Overall it was fun. :) Though had to remind a few people to do their part. :P The cake was YUMMY. Like hummana hummana hummana..*drools*

Well that's all I can really recap about school, other than this everything was normal/boring.



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